Hi everyone!
First of all, let me congratulate you on finding this blog; basically because it's got a pain-in-the-a$$ URL that I can hardly remember most of the time!
It's a bit of an experiment really; I wanted to integrate a blog onto my websites, but I'm not that smart - so for the time being, I'm going to try and blog in here and one day work it onto the front pages of the sites.
About myself; I run a couple of vinyl graphics sites:
88SPEED.com - custom car vinyl graphics aimed at the Australian market.
JDMstyledecals.com - custom vinyl graphics and JDM, USDM designs for the North American market.
The thing is, the commerce software doesn't really make it easy to blog about new products or designs or other junk I'm working on, so this blog may be the answer.
Tell you what, let's start off with the latest design I finished last night (yeah, New Year's Eve!). It was sooooo hot... about 40 degrees celcius (no idea what that is in farenheit, probably about 230?) so I stayed mostly indoors on the laptop. I always like the "car outline" designs that you can sometimes find, so I started hunting down pictures to use as templates for this graphic:

It's not as easy as you might think, creating a new design from scratch! First I got a good side-on photo of my car, then used Illustrator to create and stroke an outline path. I then exported it to Coreldraw where I cleaned it up (I reckon Illustrator's path editor is better, but I know the Coreldraw commands a lot more) and then added some text. Then exported it to my plotter software and processed a set, which I then weeded and took a photo of. Phew!
I stuck this design on my WRX, and once I get a photo of it will try to remember to post it here. Anyway, for the time being, if you've got a WRX GD series (which I think is 01-07 - bugeye, peanuteye and pignose models) then this silhouette should suit your car. If you wanna order; go check it out here:
Subaru Impreza WRX GD decal sticker at JDMstyledecals.com!